Who Are You?

Release Date : 2002
Director: Choi Ho
Writer: Choi Ho
Cho Seung Woo...Kyung Tae
Lee Na Young...In Joo
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You've Got Mail goes to Korea with Who Are You?, a surprisingly winning romance that manages to be as charming as it is predictable. Cho Seung-Woo is Kyung-Tae, a co-founder of "Who Are You?", an online role-playing game which functions as both a dating simulation and an online chatroom. Now entering beta testing, the game affords the chance for Kyung-Tae to meet In-Joo (Lee Na-Young), one of the game's many beta testers. She happens to work at an aquarium in the same building as Kyung-Tae lives and sleeps (as a game designer, he never leaves the office), and quickly interests him with her mildly off-kilter behavior and independent attitude.

photo credit : hancinema.net
Labels: Cho Seung Woo, Comedy, Lee Na Young, Romance